Thursday 24 February 2011

"Can't remember her Name?!"

Rick! not only were you a good musician, warm, kind and generous! you were one helluva snappy dresser!                            
A small token of my appreciation for reminding me that " It Don't mean a Thing if it ain't got that Swing !!!

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Back in the You Grey Grey Kay!

A friend of mine
who's name just happens to be
Hue Gray
Said to me 
Glorious sunny day
In a place far away!
"Why are you going back
To the U.K.?!
With it's grey
 Its grey ways
Its grey
And its endless grey
Have you lost you reason?
Have you lost your way?!!
Pray tell me
What insane motivation
draws you back to the You Grey Grey Kay!
After 38 years away?!!

"Er! ....Um!....What can I say?
It's Love that draws me back that way!!
I'm tired of lonely nights
And empty days!
Forever inventing tasks to do
Things to say!
When love comes your way 
 grab it
before it flies away!!"

"Good God man !"
my friend exclaimed
In a most dramatic way
"Have you looked in a mirror recently?
You are old and grey!
And let me tell you 
What may have worked yesterday
ain't going to work today!"
Wink! wink!
Nod! nod!
As if to say
That my sense's
had left me for
a permanent holiday!!

Shaking his head , turning away
with a sigh of pity
as if to say
"Get a Life ....don't throw this one away!!"

he offered
"Their must be another way?
Maybe it's time
To kneel and pray?"
and then he said
in an appealing way
"Look mate let's give this love stuff talk
'Cos otherwise
 We will be spinning
in ever increasing circles
For the rest of the day!!"

Tuesday 22 February 2011

My 1st winter in the UK 2010 nr lake Vrynwy ....searching for fire wood......tea with Carole at Llangollan

Reply to Shuagn McEvoy's posting of the Avengers Lyric on Facebook

"@ Stu, these are lyrics...We are the Leaders of tomorrow
We are the ones to have more fun
We want control , We want the power
Not gonna stop until its comes

We are not Jesus (Christ)
We are not Fascists (Pigs)
We are not Capitalists (Industrialists)
We are not Communists
We are the One

We will build a better tomorrow
The youth of today will be our tool
America's Children made for survival
Fate is our destiny and we shall rule

We are not Jesus (Christ)
We are not Fascists (Pigs)
We are not Capitalists (Industrialists)
We are not Communists
We are the One
We are the One
We are the One
We are the One

I am the one who brings you the future
I am the one who buries the past
A new species rise up from the ruin
I am the one that was made to last

We are not Jesus (Christ)
We are not Fascists (Pigs)
We are not Capitalists (Industrialists)
We are not Communists
We are the One
We are the One
We are the One
We are the One"

This is stretching it somewhat ... but ...well .... I've fallen for the bait!!...It was probably better to remain ignorant of what the "Avengers" were trying to express!!.....

....For starters it doesn't sound like they were having much fun!! all that hysterical screaming and distortion!! ...Then there's the lyrics!! what a mix up! .......power! ...... control !......using the youth as a "tool" .........pretty much what every religious fundamentalist !.....right wing republican! .... fascist!.....industrialist !... has been saying ......well..... forever!!!

 Then there's the line..... "America's children are made for survival!!" ....what planet do the youth of America live on ? La ! La! World no doubt.!...

 Try being a kid in Afghanistan !...Palestine! ...90%of Africa! excess there for the kids to whine about!!...

...Followed by "fate is our destiny ( what a nonsense phrase that is? !!) and we shall rule!!" ........holly moley!! that just smacks of colonialism!!!.......

Not sure I want their future or ...indeed to bury the lessons of the past...

.Finally ...although I'm in my 65th year I like the way I look ....don't want to be a 2 headed bald freak with a bone thru my nose and extra body parts pierced by symbols of insignificance ..... I refer to the phrase " A new species rise up from the ruin!"......

In conclusion ... if this is the best the west and so called civilization has to offer ...well .... we are going to need more than ... the "Avengers" get us back on track ! ... How about embracing ones neighbour? .....sharing what we have? !.....expressing compassion? ! .......getting out there and "doing" as opposed to getting it all laid on!.....

 Perhaps one should fire up that bong
 when the battle of each day is done?! ....
.Instead of starting the day.......
In a cloud
of illusion!
With only meaningless words
To say !!

I much prefer Mohamed Ali's most beautiful and profound poem ...and probably the shortest one ever written


Friday 18 February 2011


Stuart Maman BoltonOh where! oh where has my beautiful machine gone
                         Unlike the last few cars
                          I've had
                         It never went wrong!
                         Would sit on the highway
                           At 105!
                         And one didn't need a pinch!
                          To know
                             One was alive!

                           And every so often 
                            One would hit the road 
                            with ones mates!
                              Ducati! Yamaha! Triumph!
                               Oh what an heavenly roar!
                                As we wound down the mountain
                             Defying  death and the law!
                               Flashing past trendy executives
                              On Harley's in breach position
                              Leaning left !
                           Then right!
                              Nano second decision!
                          Only the moment is real!
                            We are
                            What we feel!!


Wednesday 16 February 2011

cautiously smooth

Well I got the car back last Friday .......the damage? .....£600!!!....... I'll be on gluten free bread and jam for the next 6 months!!! well that could prove expensive too as GF bread is around the £3 mark!!

 The complaint levied at Max ( the dog) was withdrawn .....and the complainer .... finally revealed herself!! I t was the lady downstairs ......and the housing officer had got it wrong .... it wasn't the dog she was complaining about it was moi!¬!!! .... my heavy boots and loud music were driving her to distraction !! .......anyway it's sorted ......

Now all I have going for me is a bad back and a flat tyre!! ... have you ! anyone tried to change a 17inch small truck tyre with an aggravated lower back problem?? Ouch !! Ugh ! expletive after bloody expletive!! ... of course the spare ....which I hadn't checked before purchase was bald and semi flat!!! ......what next??

My battle with the Insurance company continues!! .... can't seem to speak to anyone !!! I did however get an email  at the beginning of the week saying my enquiry was handed on for processing !! Sounds like a meat works! Don't they realize I'm a vegetarian?!.....

Stay tuned I'm trying to find a way of uploading some music ...anyone got any ideas as to how this can be done ? It seems I can do a video but not audio which is daft .....that's all folks !!

Friday 11 February 2011

Max on higher ground

Insurance is not a Sure Thing

Yesterday I spent all day trying to rectify mistakes made on my car insurance.
When I bought the car ... less than a week ago ..... it only took 5 minutes to negotiate a policy  .... this included payment !! eager was the sales rep to take another scalp .... or should I say "sucker"....... not to mention the money and.... no doubt,...... greedily calculating his commission..... that he forgot ... Ha! Ha! hem! er!.....baloney! on certain details in regard to the conditions governing the deal!

Of course I should have known there was something not quite right .... the quote ... for example....was.... well!  attractively low!

What however,  irritated me the most ....... actually irritate is the wrong word .....far to mild.......

What has really made me angry to the point of imagining the pleasure gained by banging the smart arse little bugger's  head on his laptop until he was spiting computer chips!! ...was how he phrased some of the particular the one regarding "No Claims Bonus!"

Instead of saying something like " Can you furnish written proof of a no claims bonus over past 9 years?"

He said " Have you made any Insurance  claims over the past 9 years!"

To which I replied truthfully  "No , I have never made an Insurance claim for anything in my life !"

We concluded the deal ... I paid the money ....... and thought to myself at the time " Well that was easy!"

Two days later I received a letter in the post asking me  to supply written proof of the claim that I had not made any claims over the past 9 years....

Having spent the better part of the last 40 years in Australia which has a totally different regime in regard to car Insurance ....... the only policy required there is 3rd party cover ... and that just covers the 3rd party not the vehicle..... Further , Insurance companies in Australia do not issue no claims bonus certificates on such must take out an additional comprehensive policy to obtain this!

So I tried phoning the company ......after ......wading through one electronic voice after another I finally reached a human .... might as well have been talking to an electronic voice ..... she was totally unhelpful and when the going got tough ... hung up!!

So I called back .... only to go through the same electronic procedure I had just been through ...... only this time  I never got to speak to a person !.... the electronic voice hung up would you believe!

I repeated this process periodically through out the day ...and finally at 4pm, got to speak to someone.....who ...once again was totally unhelpful and informed me that if I couldn't furnish proof of no claims I would have to fork out an additional  £320!! on top of the £220 I had already paid!!

" The car is only worth £1500!!.... we are talking  3rd party fire and theft mate!" I exclaimed

My protestations, however fell on deaf ears!! ...well no .... that's not quite right !


There were no ears there to hear!!

The bloody so! and so! had hung up  !!

First it was the Bankers that screwed up and used our money to pay themselves handsome bonus's before retiring on a massive payout!!! Will the Insurance companies be the next bunch of ...well ... fraudulent villains ... to be bailed out by the Taxpayer!!?

This morning whilst on my early morning walk with Max (my dog)
A thought past through my mind ........yes does occasionally happen!!

"How sweet the air
the early birds song
How sour the people!
Where has
Spirit gone?!

Wednesday 9 February 2011

I  have to say that my flat at best is ...well .... somewhat messy ...... I have never been Mr Tidy philosophy has always been ....if you can''t see it it doesn't exist!! .....and so ... as you may well imagine......what is relevant  to me at any given moment .... is ...... well..... 

exposed! ...  ....

 for those who are of a similar persuasion...... feel  .. no guilt ....for we are......the imaginative minority!

Today ... however ..... still recovering from my 500  yard drive... in the new 6th hand Fiat MPV.. whose clutch collapsed, whilst filling up at the local petrol station !!......

.I heard........

 around 1:30 pm.......... .a knocking at my door !!

It was the housing officer ... who I had not seen since moving into these flats almost a year ago

" Can I come in?" he inquired ..." It's housing inspection day!"

No one bloody well told me ..... I thought

Stupidly in my innocence I said in true blue form " Yeah .... No worries ! ... just gotta move the dog from the door!"

Interestingly ... and to his credit .... Max didn't even usher a growl!

" G'day David " I said somewhat apologetically " Forgive the mess I am ... restructuring the flat!"

Of course .... in hindsight ...I should not have allowed him in without the council giving me  prior notice ...... but ... well ..... I have nothing to hide .... don't even smoke  anymore !!!..  


 I let him in !

Immediately one could see the value judgements being made ....!!! 

 like  ...

65 yr old ...pony tailed.....misfit with German Shepherd.....who is .... continually.. and mistakenly ....referred to as an "Alsatian"

" Regrettably I have had a complaint about your dog barking at night. " he  pronounced......" as yet ... nothing has been put in writing ....... and I am not ... for the moment going to commit myself to a written formal complaint to you"

I was ....totally taken unaware s .... because.. and .....others that know us  can verify this ...  Max just "ain't a barking dog!"....... 

Catching my breath and diplomacy .... because to be honest ... I was ... to say the least.... really pissed off !!...

 I said  :

" There must be some mistake!! ... I can honestly say that I have done everything with in my knowledge and power to make people feel at ease around Max ! ...certainly he is no threat to anybody....I understand people's apprehension ... however all I can say is that Max's primary interest is to be around me .  He never wonders on walks ....always responds to my calls .... is always on a lead in the vicinity of the flats.. and is adequately exercised!! ... I walk him for at least 3 hours a day!....... Indeed....... if you ask any of the dog owners in this block ...they will assuredly acknowledge that Max is by far ... the best behaved dog in the building!!" 

Whilst I am not one to cower when "authority" comes a ...calling .......I felt as if I had been ....violated!!...... because ... I have conscientiously considered the feelings of all the residents in this building in regard to their  feelings ,fear an apprehension... in regard to Max 

I now live in the world of uncertainty .....I wonder if there isn't a hidden this a complaint!? is their  a more subtle agenda ?
I need to meditate on this further!! .........another battle for a very weary warrior who is just looking for peace ........ in this land of greed , worry ... and fear ....

.stay tuned!!...

In time all will be revealed 

.I used to say " when love comes your way grab it !!"

But now ...well.......I would have to say ..". when peace comes your way....cherish it .....for ... peace ... is ...the expression of tranquil sublime love... blah ! blah! garbled blah!!!

"Self Portrait" photo Art By SMBolton

Photo art by SM bolton 1)Fly agaric in Dark Matter 2)Water world 3) Butterfly past 4) Welsh Dragon 5)Rock Faces in Spaces

"On the Beach"... photo SMBolton

reflecting on the red motorbike

Stuart Maman Bolton
 Oh for the trouble free days of motorcycling! What a strange alien world I have chosen to live in! Been here (UK) almost 2 years and still feel I haven't landed! My relationships have been reduced to 2 dimensions! My bank balance has been reduced to pennies! And I have been reduced to...well ..... an amoeba in a vast ocean of human irrationality!!

 It was so peaceful at Glenfernaigh ...
.the wind for company ......
..the magpies song ..
It felt good
Even when things went wrong!

Close to nature
Life without fear
Far away
From arbitrary choice!
One's thoughts were
.... Oh! so clear !

Won't be passing
That sacred place again
Won't be listening
To the sub tropical rain
pounding on the iron roof
Washing away
All the tears
Of yesterday!

Once upon a time
I cleverly proclaimed
Rather than stagnate!!
Now I am not so sure....
As I reflect
On what I had before!

Tuesday 8 February 2011

The clutch blues

On Saturday the 5th of feb 2011 I bought a new car ....well a second hand  .... or should I say a 6th hand one!.......... A Fiat people 7 seater people mover!!! ... a people mover ? ... you may well ask ! ? ..... yeah !!... well ...... er ..... it's my dog Max!! ...... he's just to bloody big for the the snappy little 2 door Ford Escort I have been driving for the past year !!!... and I so need to get a life !!! ... as much as I love Wales ....Llanidloes .... I need to access an art Gallery! ..... Museum! ........Jazz !...... my mates !!!!.. even a strip show would break the monotony!!..Lordy ! Lordy!!.... it's to  quiet here ......... even for this 65 year old!!

Anyway I was really chuffed with the purchase......... Finally I got all the insurance .....motor Tax  etc., sorted and today .... Tuesday the 8th Feb.....just 3 days after purchase !!... the 1st sunny day in.. seemingly... a decade!!......... I decided to give it a good test run ...... go to the seaside .... run Max along the beach!!.....

.Now my local petrol station is about 500 yards I thought it might be a good idea to top up the fuel ...oil etc., before hitting the road ......lucky I did ....!!! put £20 in ... and started her up ..... good gracious what the hell is that metallic sound issuing from the motor?........Shit ! it won't bloody go into gear !!!! Oh no bloody no!!! the clutch has imploded!!!...Gone!! Kaput !!.....

As luck would have it ...depending on which way one might look at it... the local garage ...also just happens to be the Pugeot dealer..... although my car is a Fiat........ it was a joint venture production between the 2 company's!!.......

.Other than the test run .which totally impressed me .... I have subsequently driven the vehicle less than 500 yard/ meters.....and by a very simple mathematical calculation  it'll cost me about £500 !!! ...a pound a metre!!!. is this a sign for what is yet  come ? ............. I guess the moral of the story is ....... " the poor always pay!!! ....whilst the wealthy get away!!!".

Stay tuned for the next episode!!

I shiver to think what the cost is going to be !!

Oh well have another glass of red !!! it's cheaper than a clutch ....and far more enjoable

Monday 7 February 2011

A love Poem

I fell in love
When I was only 62!
A bit young
I think!
Don't you?
But What could I do !?
Your smile, your charm
Your natural grace
Transported me
From that cold tropical mountain
To a warmer temperate place!

Oh! you are silly
How can that be?
It makes no sense!
Yes ...that's true!
What sense has loves alchemy?

It's not quantifiable
Nor subject to the laws of reason!
It runs hot and cold
Through every season!
Neither can it be scheduled
To a specific time
Or measured
In a straight line!
It has no mass
It has no weight!
It is far to complex
To debate!

In conclusion
Words can not express
What I want to say
But ... they are all I have
When we are so far away!
So hold them close
Until the next time we meet
As I lay them out
At your feet!!

"Walking the Man" in acrylic..landscape Glen Fernaigh Northern NSW. Australia

Tribute to Gary Moore

Very sad to hear that Gary Moore passed away at such a young age. A great musician/guitarist, entertainer.

Gary always put 100% into his performances and was a joy to watch. One of the finest guitarist of his generation   a classy player, he leaves a wealth of  diverse music behind, Skid,  Row, Thin Lizzy, Colosseum, Blues recordings with BBKing , the late Albert Collins and many recordings under his own name .

His influence can be heard through a host of contemporary guitarist....... he was a true innovator ..a legend!....wherever he has gone I hope there's a" Les Paul " handy ......

Sunday 6 February 2011

me n you

Romance is one of the most important keys on the key ring of harmonious life


Oh Dear! I see the Tories are already busy trying to fragment and already fragmented society by playing the "Multiculturalism hasn't worked " card........David Cameron's school boy speech of the5/2/2011 ...... reeked of the old "Rule Britannia" nonsense that has held this country back in ever increasing backward steps since world war 2!!! If only they and the rest of the bigots could understand what multiculturalism means before leaping  into the abyss of thoughtlessness... as it were !!! To assume that the Anglo Saxon culture has some sort of monopoly on the values of common decency is a) misguided ( not to mentioned doubtful  considering the hell we have meted out to much of the world over the past 400 years and indeed are still doing so in coalition with the USA)and b) insulting to decent people all over the world!

I am all for citizens and residents of the UK to abide by the law of the land ... "diverse cultures under one law"...indeed ...those that don't send them back to whence they came.....and if they came from here . send them to jail!!!.... but ... well .... put it this way .... if we are all forced to eat bangers and mash, drink insipid flat luke warm beer, behave riotlessly at every sporting engagement, have to listen to the "Rolling stones".....forever more..etc., we are going to be in deep trouble !! ...well we are anyway !! ... the bankers and the property market have seen to that !!! .......

The word "tolerant" must be done away with !!!! every time I hear some politician going on about how we must be tolerant I cringe tolerate is to suggests "sufferance " ........ we should be talking about "embrace" ...."compassion" .....".The Big society" is a prescription to disaster! ....The racism and prejudice I have witness since arriving back in the UK after 38 years abroad is frightening!!! ... we seem to have mislaid our openness, compassion, intelligence, adventurousness and replaced it with a subjective greed!!! Where will it all end? ...well .....who knows .... however I do know with absolute certainty  " you/ we are only as good as you/we behave!" .....and that.we a society ... need to look inward to find the solutions to the many complex issues that are facing us , our children and grandchildren in the present and not to distant future!!........and... of course... with equal certainty I acknowledge that the economic hegemony is moving eastward ...China , India, Korea, Thailand......Indonesia ..... and that. .... we will have to engage these societies in a meaningful and respectful day we will all be one people!!!...hopefully there will be sufficient diversity to generate creative thought .......and harmony on this exquisite and unique planet!!.... I am not holding my breath however!!!.