Wednesday 9 February 2011

I  have to say that my flat at best is ...well .... somewhat messy ...... I have never been Mr Tidy philosophy has always been ....if you can''t see it it doesn't exist!! .....and so ... as you may well imagine......what is relevant  to me at any given moment .... is ...... well..... 

exposed! ...  ....

 for those who are of a similar persuasion...... feel  .. no guilt ....for we are......the imaginative minority!

Today ... however ..... still recovering from my 500  yard drive... in the new 6th hand Fiat MPV.. whose clutch collapsed, whilst filling up at the local petrol station !!......

.I heard........

 around 1:30 pm.......... .a knocking at my door !!

It was the housing officer ... who I had not seen since moving into these flats almost a year ago

" Can I come in?" he inquired ..." It's housing inspection day!"

No one bloody well told me ..... I thought

Stupidly in my innocence I said in true blue form " Yeah .... No worries ! ... just gotta move the dog from the door!"

Interestingly ... and to his credit .... Max didn't even usher a growl!

" G'day David " I said somewhat apologetically " Forgive the mess I am ... restructuring the flat!"

Of course .... in hindsight ...I should not have allowed him in without the council giving me  prior notice ...... but ... well ..... I have nothing to hide .... don't even smoke  anymore !!!..  


 I let him in !

Immediately one could see the value judgements being made ....!!! 

 like  ...

65 yr old ...pony tailed.....misfit with German Shepherd.....who is .... continually.. and mistakenly ....referred to as an "Alsatian"

" Regrettably I have had a complaint about your dog barking at night. " he  pronounced......" as yet ... nothing has been put in writing ....... and I am not ... for the moment going to commit myself to a written formal complaint to you"

I was ....totally taken unaware s .... because.. and .....others that know us  can verify this ...  Max just "ain't a barking dog!"....... 

Catching my breath and diplomacy .... because to be honest ... I was ... to say the least.... really pissed off !!...

 I said  :

" There must be some mistake!! ... I can honestly say that I have done everything with in my knowledge and power to make people feel at ease around Max ! ...certainly he is no threat to anybody....I understand people's apprehension ... however all I can say is that Max's primary interest is to be around me .  He never wonders on walks ....always responds to my calls .... is always on a lead in the vicinity of the flats.. and is adequately exercised!! ... I walk him for at least 3 hours a day!....... Indeed....... if you ask any of the dog owners in this block ...they will assuredly acknowledge that Max is by far ... the best behaved dog in the building!!" 

Whilst I am not one to cower when "authority" comes a ...calling .......I felt as if I had been ....violated!!...... because ... I have conscientiously considered the feelings of all the residents in this building in regard to their  feelings ,fear an apprehension... in regard to Max 

I now live in the world of uncertainty .....I wonder if there isn't a hidden this a complaint!? is their  a more subtle agenda ?
I need to meditate on this further!! .........another battle for a very weary warrior who is just looking for peace ........ in this land of greed , worry ... and fear ....

.stay tuned!!...

In time all will be revealed 

.I used to say " when love comes your way grab it !!"

But now ...well.......I would have to say ..". when peace comes your way....cherish it .....for ... peace ... is ...the expression of tranquil sublime love... blah ! blah! garbled blah!!!

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