Wednesday 9 February 2011

reflecting on the red motorbike

Stuart Maman Bolton
 Oh for the trouble free days of motorcycling! What a strange alien world I have chosen to live in! Been here (UK) almost 2 years and still feel I haven't landed! My relationships have been reduced to 2 dimensions! My bank balance has been reduced to pennies! And I have been reduced to...well ..... an amoeba in a vast ocean of human irrationality!!

 It was so peaceful at Glenfernaigh ...
.the wind for company ......
..the magpies song ..
It felt good
Even when things went wrong!

Close to nature
Life without fear
Far away
From arbitrary choice!
One's thoughts were
.... Oh! so clear !

Won't be passing
That sacred place again
Won't be listening
To the sub tropical rain
pounding on the iron roof
Washing away
All the tears
Of yesterday!

Once upon a time
I cleverly proclaimed
Rather than stagnate!!
Now I am not so sure....
As I reflect
On what I had before!

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