Sunday 6 February 2011


Oh Dear! I see the Tories are already busy trying to fragment and already fragmented society by playing the "Multiculturalism hasn't worked " card........David Cameron's school boy speech of the5/2/2011 ...... reeked of the old "Rule Britannia" nonsense that has held this country back in ever increasing backward steps since world war 2!!! If only they and the rest of the bigots could understand what multiculturalism means before leaping  into the abyss of thoughtlessness... as it were !!! To assume that the Anglo Saxon culture has some sort of monopoly on the values of common decency is a) misguided ( not to mentioned doubtful  considering the hell we have meted out to much of the world over the past 400 years and indeed are still doing so in coalition with the USA)and b) insulting to decent people all over the world!

I am all for citizens and residents of the UK to abide by the law of the land ... "diverse cultures under one law"...indeed ...those that don't send them back to whence they came.....and if they came from here . send them to jail!!!.... but ... well .... put it this way .... if we are all forced to eat bangers and mash, drink insipid flat luke warm beer, behave riotlessly at every sporting engagement, have to listen to the "Rolling stones".....forever more..etc., we are going to be in deep trouble !! ...well we are anyway !! ... the bankers and the property market have seen to that !!! .......

The word "tolerant" must be done away with !!!! every time I hear some politician going on about how we must be tolerant I cringe tolerate is to suggests "sufferance " ........ we should be talking about "embrace" ...."compassion" .....".The Big society" is a prescription to disaster! ....The racism and prejudice I have witness since arriving back in the UK after 38 years abroad is frightening!!! ... we seem to have mislaid our openness, compassion, intelligence, adventurousness and replaced it with a subjective greed!!! Where will it all end? ...well .....who knows .... however I do know with absolute certainty  " you/ we are only as good as you/we behave!" .....and that.we a society ... need to look inward to find the solutions to the many complex issues that are facing us , our children and grandchildren in the present and not to distant future!!........and... of course... with equal certainty I acknowledge that the economic hegemony is moving eastward ...China , India, Korea, Thailand......Indonesia ..... and that. .... we will have to engage these societies in a meaningful and respectful day we will all be one people!!!...hopefully there will be sufficient diversity to generate creative thought .......and harmony on this exquisite and unique planet!!.... I am not holding my breath however!!!.

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