Tuesday 22 February 2011

Reply to Shuagn McEvoy's posting of the Avengers Lyric on Facebook

"@ Stu, these are lyrics...We are the Leaders of tomorrow
We are the ones to have more fun
We want control , We want the power
Not gonna stop until its comes

We are not Jesus (Christ)
We are not Fascists (Pigs)
We are not Capitalists (Industrialists)
We are not Communists
We are the One

We will build a better tomorrow
The youth of today will be our tool
America's Children made for survival
Fate is our destiny and we shall rule

We are not Jesus (Christ)
We are not Fascists (Pigs)
We are not Capitalists (Industrialists)
We are not Communists
We are the One
We are the One
We are the One
We are the One

I am the one who brings you the future
I am the one who buries the past
A new species rise up from the ruin
I am the one that was made to last

We are not Jesus (Christ)
We are not Fascists (Pigs)
We are not Capitalists (Industrialists)
We are not Communists
We are the One
We are the One
We are the One
We are the One"

This is stretching it somewhat ... but ...well .... I've fallen for the bait!!...It was probably better to remain ignorant of what the "Avengers" were trying to express!!.....

....For starters it doesn't sound like they were having much fun!! all that hysterical screaming and distortion!! ...Then there's the lyrics!! what a mix up! .......power! ...... control !......using the youth as a "tool" .........pretty much what every religious fundamentalist !.....right wing republican! .... fascist!.....industrialist !... has been saying ......well..... forever!!!

 Then there's the line..... "America's children are made for survival!!" ....what planet do the youth of America live on ? La ! La! World no doubt.!...

 Try being a kid in Afghanistan !...Palestine! ...90%of Africa!...no excess there for the kids to whine about!!...

...Followed by "fate is our destiny ( what a nonsense phrase that is? !!) and we shall rule!!" ........holly moley!! that just smacks of colonialism!!!.......

Not sure I want their future or ...indeed to bury the lessons of the past...

.Finally ...although I'm in my 65th year I like the way I look ....don't want to be a 2 headed bald freak with a bone thru my nose and extra body parts pierced by symbols of insignificance ..... I refer to the phrase " A new species rise up from the ruin!"......

In conclusion ... if this is the best the west and so called civilization has to offer ...well ....er .... we are going to need more than  ....er ... the "Avengers" ....to get us back on track ! ... How about embracing ones neighbour? .....sharing what we have? !.....expressing compassion? ! .......getting out there and "doing" as opposed to getting it all laid on!.....

 Perhaps one should fire up that bong
 when the battle of each day is done?! ....
.Instead of starting the day.......
In a cloud
of illusion!
With only meaningless words
To say !!

I much prefer Mohamed Ali's most beautiful and profound poem ...and probably the shortest one ever written


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