Wednesday 16 February 2011

cautiously smooth

Well I got the car back last Friday .......the damage? .....£600!!!....... I'll be on gluten free bread and jam for the next 6 months!!! well that could prove expensive too as GF bread is around the £3 mark!!

 The complaint levied at Max ( the dog) was withdrawn .....and the complainer .... finally revealed herself!! I t was the lady downstairs ......and the housing officer had got it wrong .... it wasn't the dog she was complaining about it was moi!¬!!! .... my heavy boots and loud music were driving her to distraction !! .......anyway it's sorted ......

Now all I have going for me is a bad back and a flat tyre!! ... have you ! anyone tried to change a 17inch small truck tyre with an aggravated lower back problem?? Ouch !! Ugh ! expletive after bloody expletive!! ... of course the spare ....which I hadn't checked before purchase was bald and semi flat!!! ......what next??

My battle with the Insurance company continues!! .... can't seem to speak to anyone !!! I did however get an email  at the beginning of the week saying my enquiry was handed on for processing !! Sounds like a meat works! Don't they realize I'm a vegetarian?!.....

Stay tuned I'm trying to find a way of uploading some music ...anyone got any ideas as to how this can be done ? It seems I can do a video but not audio which is daft .....that's all folks !!

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