Friday 11 February 2011

Insurance is not a Sure Thing

Yesterday I spent all day trying to rectify mistakes made on my car insurance.
When I bought the car ... less than a week ago ..... it only took 5 minutes to negotiate a policy  .... this included payment !! eager was the sales rep to take another scalp .... or should I say "sucker"....... not to mention the money and.... no doubt,...... greedily calculating his commission..... that he forgot ... Ha! Ha! hem! er!.....baloney! on certain details in regard to the conditions governing the deal!

Of course I should have known there was something not quite right .... the quote ... for example....was.... well!  attractively low!

What however,  irritated me the most ....... actually irritate is the wrong word .....far to mild.......

What has really made me angry to the point of imagining the pleasure gained by banging the smart arse little bugger's  head on his laptop until he was spiting computer chips!! ...was how he phrased some of the particular the one regarding "No Claims Bonus!"

Instead of saying something like " Can you furnish written proof of a no claims bonus over past 9 years?"

He said " Have you made any Insurance  claims over the past 9 years!"

To which I replied truthfully  "No , I have never made an Insurance claim for anything in my life !"

We concluded the deal ... I paid the money ....... and thought to myself at the time " Well that was easy!"

Two days later I received a letter in the post asking me  to supply written proof of the claim that I had not made any claims over the past 9 years....

Having spent the better part of the last 40 years in Australia which has a totally different regime in regard to car Insurance ....... the only policy required there is 3rd party cover ... and that just covers the 3rd party not the vehicle..... Further , Insurance companies in Australia do not issue no claims bonus certificates on such must take out an additional comprehensive policy to obtain this!

So I tried phoning the company ......after ......wading through one electronic voice after another I finally reached a human .... might as well have been talking to an electronic voice ..... she was totally unhelpful and when the going got tough ... hung up!!

So I called back .... only to go through the same electronic procedure I had just been through ...... only this time  I never got to speak to a person !.... the electronic voice hung up would you believe!

I repeated this process periodically through out the day ...and finally at 4pm, got to speak to someone.....who ...once again was totally unhelpful and informed me that if I couldn't furnish proof of no claims I would have to fork out an additional  £320!! on top of the £220 I had already paid!!

" The car is only worth £1500!!.... we are talking  3rd party fire and theft mate!" I exclaimed

My protestations, however fell on deaf ears!! ...well no .... that's not quite right !


There were no ears there to hear!!

The bloody so! and so! had hung up  !!

First it was the Bankers that screwed up and used our money to pay themselves handsome bonus's before retiring on a massive payout!!! Will the Insurance companies be the next bunch of ...well ... fraudulent villains ... to be bailed out by the Taxpayer!!?

This morning whilst on my early morning walk with Max (my dog)
A thought past through my mind ........yes does occasionally happen!!

"How sweet the air
the early birds song
How sour the people!
Where has
Spirit gone?!

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